Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Day 7 - Cairns Travel Day

 Hi! My name is Edison Friday, and I am currently a rising Sophomore at Syracuse University. I am from Los Angeles, California, and I am a Sport Management major. We have officially adjourned our 8th day of Australian shenanigans. 

After a long eventful night, exploring the in and outs of the city of Melbourne with Johann, a 3am wake up call approached. I completely under estimated how tired I feel running off an hours of sleep. I immediately knew I had made a huge mistake, as my vision seemed blurred and barley being able to open my eyes. 

The flights to Cairns wasn't too bad, just about 3 hours long. I tried my best to tune out my surroundings and knock out but I struggled. After landing safely in Cairns, our guide took us up the mountains where we eventually learned about the culture of the Djabugay people. The Djabuygay people were the nations first people who's culture and stories were represented through the voices of the Pamagirri guides that work at Rainforestation. We eventually made our way to what I call a "bird sanctuary" which I found to be pretty interesting. Finally, our last atop was the sky rail and eventually made our way home. 

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